I haven’t really talked too much about exercise. I think that’s because I haven’t really stuck to an exercise routine. It’s not that I don’t have time, I certainly watch t.v. so if I have time to do that, I have time to exercise. And, I have a membership to the Y which is about 5 minutes from my house, so really I have no excuse not to exercise. And, its not like I don’t like to exercise either. I have run two marathons, and a half marathon in the last three years. My problem has always been (at least in weight loss mode), that I either eat great and don’t exercise, or exercise and eat poorly. So, this week, I am making an exercise plan! I am going to pretend its an appointment and stick to it. One thing I want to add to my exercise routine, even if its for 10 minutes every morning is to jump rope. I have a Polar Heart rate monitor, which tracks calories burned and in no time you can burn lots of calories pretty quickly. In fact, according to www.fitnessmagazine.com if you jump slowly you burn about 9.4 calories per minute, or 281 calories per half hour. If you jump rope moderately, you can burn 11.7 calories or 352 calories per half hour, and if you jump rope fast, you can burn 14 calories per minute, or 422 calories in a half hour based on a 155 pound woman. Not bad! So, I am going to add that to my work out routine this week and see what happens with the scale. I have pretty much maintained the last 6 weeks and I really want to get the scale moving again! Check out www.ropesport.com. They have tips on jumping rope and using the right technique to avoid injuries. Plus, they sell jump rope videos (who knew?)
It may just make you feel like a kid again!
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