This is a great snack or dessert when you are looking for something sweet that won’t take all your #ww personal points for the day.
The first star of this dessert – is Wasa crisps. Don’t sleep on these! You may remember your grandma having these in her pantry – but these are so good! Only 35 calories a sheet – or for me only 1 #personal point on Weight Watchers. Not only can you use these for a sweet treat – my other favorite is adding mashed guacamole, scrambled eggs and cheese.
The Wasa crisps are super sturdy, so they hold up to lots of toppings!
The second star of this dessert is what I am calling a very low point chocolate frosting!
I was looking for an alternative to using peanut butter – I normally have this with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, but that is 7 #personalpoints and I was trying to save on points I thought of using Peanut Butter Powder. But just plain peanut butter powder doesn’t quite replace my love of regular peanut butter so I was trying to think of what I could add to it to make it better. I thought of plain cocoa powder, but thought that would make it too bitter, then I had the idea of adding sugar free chocolate pudding powder and a little non-dairy milk (I used cashew milk). The result is amazing! It’s thick and rich and tasted like frosting to me!
Jenn Cooks Low Calorie Chocolate Frosting
- 1 serving peanut butter powder
- 2 teaspsoons sugar free chocolate pudding powder
- 2 teaspoons unsweetened cashew milk
- I weigh out the peanut butter powder. Add the pudding powder. Drizzle cashew milk until desired consistency. I like it kind of thick. 2-3 teaspoons.
Air Fried bananas!
Normally I just add bananas and call it a day. But I thought what if I air fried the banana with a little light brown sugar to kind of carmelize them on top. These just made the dessert that much better!
Air fried banana
- 1 banana
- 1/4 tsp light brown sugar
- Slice the banana, sprinkle with light brown sugar and air fry for 5 minutes. I add a piece of parchment paper to the bottom of my air fryer basket so it doesn't stick and is easy cleanup!
To finish, I added a few teaspoons of Gr8nola granola – This brand of granola is new to me, but super delicious. Check out their website here. And of course I had to add some sugar free chocolate chips. Check out your local store- they may have their own brand of sugar free chocolate chips for $1.99 a bag. I love Lily’s Brand sugar free chocolate chips, but they can be pricey! $5.99 a bag.
So for 2 wasa crisps plus my frosting, the banana and granola, chocolate chips – only THREE #personalpoints on my plan! I call that a winning dessert in my book.
For my Weight Watcher Friends – use THIS LINK – to add it to your Weight Watcher Recipe Builder.
Follow me on Instagram at Jenn Cooks for more healthy recipes! Don’t forget to tag me if you make this.
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