I’m so excited to share my home workout equipment I’ve gotten over the last few years. At the beginning of the pandemic, so many gyms were closed, a lot of people started adding equipment to their home. This post will share all the stuff I’ve gotten over the last few years.
Exercise Bike
The first purchase I made at the beginning of the pandemic was an exerise bike. While I have lots of friends who are Peleton fans – I didn’t want to spend that kind of $$$! I did tons of research, I wanted a bike that was sturdy (this one goes up to 350 pounds) and was easy to put together.

This bike is $400 dollars and here is the link on Amazon for purchase. If you love peleton workouts, you can download the app and follow along. I did that for several months – otherwise I just used my i-pad to watch cooking shows while I was riding!
Mini Trampoline

The RAVS mini trampoline (sometimes called a rebounder) was a great addition to my home gym! I asked for this for my birthday and I’ve used it a lot! Super fun – there are lots of YouTube videos for rebounders for all levels. I got the one that has the handle bar in front, I like that for better stability. It also has the arm band so you can work out your arms at the same time! The cost is $119 on Amazon and I have the 40″ one. Super fun to mix up your workout routine.
Mini Stepper

I’ve add this mini stepper for 4 years now – I also asked for it for my birthday! LOL. It is very affordable $60 on Amazon – here is the link for purchase. There isn’t any other resistance than what’s built in – but I get a great workout on it and I normally don’t use the bands with it – I just use it as a stepper while I watch TV! It does require some balance at first – but after a few times, I never feel like I am off balance.
Trifold fitness mat

One thing that is a REALLY great addition to your home workout area – is a cushy fitness mat. I purchased mine from Aldi Foods back in January when they had a lot of exercise/weight loss products for sale. I found one that is comparible and it’s $20.00. Doing situps on the floor, stretching, pushups where your knees are on the ground, planks, etc. are so nice on this soft mat! Here is the Amazon link for that for a similar one.
Jump Rope
This jump rope is great because you can customize it to your size by cutting off some of the rope you don’t need (there are instructions on how to do that). Created by fitness guru Cassie Ho @Blogilates it’s available at Target for $14.99.

Hand Weights
Hand weights can be pricey to get! I have 3, 5, 8 and 10 pound dumbells. I didn’t get these all at the same time – I started with 3 pound weights and added from there. Or there are deals where you can get a small rack with a stand.

The last addition to my home gym in a walking pad. I looked a lot online for one and if you search, you will get LOTS of different options and opinions. I got this one because my friend Nikki from Nikkigetsfit bought it. She’s tall – 6 feet and she loved this. I have had it for 6 months. The brand is Urevo and the best part is you take it from the box and just plug it in and you are ready to go. You can definitely jog on it – I usually just fast walk at 3 miles per hour.
My Favorite at Home workouts!
There are lots of favorite workouts I have that are all FREE on YouTube! Here are the best.
Grow with Jo – awesome energy – great music and super uplifting – all levels from beginner to advanced.
Caroline Girvan – Lots of different series – so you an do a certain workout plan – from beginner to advanced – mostly with weights.
Donovan Green – chair workouts! That’s right – all these workouts are in a chair and they are really a great workout! Most are 10-15 minutes (there are ones that are 45 minutes) – but I love doing the shorter ones a few times a day when I can.
MadFit – She has TONS of videos – all levels – from short 10 minute workouts to one hour workouts.
Billy Blanks – Taebo! Total old school – but I still love putting on Taebo! When my twin sister Biz and I first joined Weight Watchers back in 1999 – this was our jam- we worked out to these a lot which definitely helped lost 70 pounds each back then and get to our Weight Watcher goal!
Body Project – love these workouts too – every level welcome – lots of videos to choose from!
Boho Beautiful Yoga – beautiful scenery – all levels – from 10 minute sessions and longer. I also listen to one of her 10 minute meditations every single day – they are so calming and relaxing!
Abi Humber yoga – Abi is a co-worker of mine. During the pandemic she’s offered virtual yoga sessions for our office – she’s amazingly talented, and such a great instructor. Definitely check out and like her You Tube channel – she has lots of videos – all levels.
Sharona Hill – I’m relatively new to her workouts – super fun – lots of different music themed ones from Mama Mia, Wicked, Disney, etc. Most are only 20 minutes and many are walking videos – you don’t need any equipment.
That’s a wrap!
Let me know if you have any questions or definitely leave a comment what your favorite at home workout equipment is OR what your favorite at home workout is! I love trying new ones.
I would love it if you would follow me on Instagram @jenncooks – I post healthy recipes to help me and others on their weight loss journey.
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